After you complete your Success Issues Finder, you may desire to return at a later date to re-take the test to see if there has been any change in your ratings. This may be a valuable way for you to measure your progress over time.

Your personal Assessment is confidential and will not be seen or shared with anyone other than you. To be valid this test requires a selection for every statement. When in doubt, choose the first choice that pops into your mind.

1. I can't forgive myself when I make mistakes.

2. I struggle with goal setting.

3. I'm afraid the future will be like the past.

4. People say I am not a compassionate person.

5. I don't have much hope for the future.

6. I don't feel accepting of people who are abundant.

7. I have trouble waiting for success.

8. People take advantage of me.

9. I don't feel like being generous with others.

10. I need to be in control.

11. It is easy to compare myself with others.

12. I have trouble making good choices.

13. I have a hard time forgiving others when something negative happens.

14. It is easy for me to get off track in my life.

15. I have to do it myself.

16. I have trouble really believing in love.

17. There is not much in my life to be grateful for.

18. If I have peace, bad things will take it away.

19. I have trouble focusing on my success.

20. I don't see myself as a gentle person.

21. I don't feel good enough to be successful.

22. I have trouble really trusting myself.

23. I feel like I am better than other people.

24. I feel like the world owes me.

25. I get angry at God because of my lack of success in life.

26. I make unhealthy choices.

27. I think that people don�t change.

28. I feel flawed.

29. I don't believe in miracles.

30. I worry about the future.

31. I get frustrated easily.

32. People say I am inconsiderate.

33. I am ashamed of what I have done in my past.

34. I have trouble trusting others.

35. People must think well of me for me to be O.K.

36. People say I am lazy.

37. I make negative judgments about successful people.

38. I am afraid to be seen as who I am.

39. Low self-worth gets in the way of my success.

40. Important people in my life say that I am selfish.

41. I am always on edge.

42. I have trouble accepting myself.

43. People say that I am impatient.

44. I can easily feel rejected by others.

45. I feel afraid of the future.

46. Life is just not fair.

47. I sometimes manipulate others to get what I want.

48. I can't seem to do what I want to do.

49. I feel negative towards people who are more successful than I am.

50. It is important to me that people see me as successful.

51. I can't trust myself to make successful decisions.

52. I don't love myself.

53. I have trouble finding much joy in life.

54. I spend a lot of time thinking about the bad things that have happened in the past.

55. I don't believe that success can come without a lot of hard work.

56. I don't have much of value to offer the world.

57. I have done unforgivable things.

58. I don't have much faith in myself.

59. I feel inferior to others.

60. I am not capable of being a success.

61. It makes me angry when people get in my way.

62. I'm frustrated that I work so hard but never get ahead.

63. I get irritated when things don�t go my way.

64. It's difficult for me to wait for something I want.

65. I often feel pressured to get things done.

66. I feel defensive when someone criticizes my work.

67. It doesn't matter what I want because you can't count on the future.

68. Only lucky people get ahead.

69. My focus is most often on the things I want.

70. My main goal is wealth.

71. My circumstances determine how I feel.

72. I like tangible results.

73. It is easy for me to set goals.

74. It is easy for me to achieve my goals.

75. It is easy for me to imagine achieving my goals.

76. My goal is to feel inner peace.

77. My main goals are to feel happy and successful.

78. I need to keep in mind whether or not my goals are within my control.

79. I have been successful before.

80. I am willing to do what it takes to be successful, if I only knew what it is.

81. I am in charge of my destiny.

82. I have the ability to succeed in life.

83. I believe I can overcome my past.

84. I believe in myself.

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